




I. Title Page

The title page should include the title of the paper, the name of the author(s), the affiliation of the author(s), and the date of submission. The font size and style should be consistent with the requirements of the journal or conference.

II. Abstract

The abstract should provide a brief summary of the purpose, methods, results, and结论of the paper. It should be written in a clear and concise manner and avoid using citations and footnotes. The abstract should generally be limited to 150 to 250 words.

III. Introduction

The introduction should provide a brief background and statement of the problem, including the importance and relevance of the topic to the field. It should also present the aim and objectives of the study and a brief overview of the literature related to the topic. The introduction should generally be limited to 300 to 500 words.

IV. Materials and Methods

The materials and methods section should provide a detailed description of the materials used, the experimental design, and the methods employed in the study. It should include information on the sample size, duration of the study, and any ethical approvals or permissions required. The materials and methods section should generally be limited to 500 to 1000 words.

V. Results

The results section should present the findings of the study in a logical and organized manner. It should include tables, figures, and/or charts
